Real Life Success Story of The Sassy Minx

By April 12, 2011 LIFE

What gave you the motivation to change your life?
I’m one of those girls who rave about change being a positive thing, but actually doing it? Woah. My motivation for change has been happiness. For most of my 20s, I was a career girl, driven by a need to have a pile o’ bricks, nice things and go on nice holidays, which is all fine if these ‘things’ make you happy. Except they didn’t. I was so far from happy it was ridiculous. Was this all my life was going to be? Competing, feeling unfulfilled, worthless, in a relationship that didn’t make my heart skip a beat? Despite feeling sucky, I did nothing about it, so on my 30th birthday, the universe stepped in and my Saturn return kicked my bee-hind. My partner and I split up, I lost my home, my career started to suffer, I found out I had endometriosis, put on weight and I just felt like a complete failure in life. I had two options – I could stay in that place of lack and victim-like behaviour, which would have been really easy, or I could set about working out what would make me really happy. Despite not loving what I was seeing in the mirror, I had a series of CBT treatment – totally recommend it, read lots of inspiring books and blogs and started to get clear about what really mattered to me: love, spirituality, magic and adventure and then slowly, very slowly, and I’m still working at it now and probably will be for my entire life, I started to change it up. Right now, life is freakin’ sweet – I’ve found work I love, I now coach people who want to make those big life changes, I’ve joined the gym and I’m in love with a beautiful man who shares my passion for love, magic and adventure – hurrah!

What was the most challenging thing you faced when you BUSTED OUT of your old life?
Lack of security. In every sense of the word. I felt like I was living on quicksand, for a fixed sign like Scorpio, that’s a real challenge. I’ve just moved in with the beautiful man a couple of weeks ago, and it’s the first time, in a long, long time that I’ve started to feel firmness under my feet.

When you felt like going back to your old life how did you stay focused and on track?
It’s really easy to romanticize your old life and only remember the good bits in the most delicious way. But it’s a poisoned chalice, because when you do go back, and I did foolishly go back a few times, almost immediately, everything feels wrong. You stay focused by turning your attention to the new life you’re looking to manifest, being grateful for all the beautiful things in your life every day, Looking back is not an option when you’re creating a new kick-ass life. For example, I’ve just joined a gym, and despite loving my bed a LOT, I push myself everyday to get up and go for my 40 minute workout because I know how amazing I feel after and how, long term, my life will be substantially sweeter because of it. I’ve created a mood board of all the things my awesome sassy life of loveliness has in it and if something doesn’t fit within that or serve me in any way, like emotional eating or watching 4 hours of TV, then it just doesn’t happen – I don’t want to slip into old habits, I want my love-filled sweet life, thank you very much!

What advice would you give someone who wants to make a change?
Leap. Go on, I dare you. Your wings will appear because the universe rewards action, especially when it involves making sure you’re rocking and ruling in your world.

What is the key to your success?
Positive Mental Attitude – I know it sounds a li’l woo-woo, but our thoughts become our reality, so make sure they’re good ones – this has proven itself to me time and time again.

How are you as a person different?
I’m happy. I’m deep-down-to-the-core happy. Sure, life still throws me curveballs, I don’t own bricks, I’m still overweight and I have significantly less money in my bank account than I’ve ever had, but when you fill your life with your happiness formula every single day, and for me that’s love, spirituality, magic and adventure, those curveballs seems totally do-able.


About Lisa

Lisa Clark is an author, editor and creatrix o’ awesome. Her unique brand of Sassy – Sensual And Spiritual, Sensational YOU – provides coaching, mentoring, and PR services of deliciousness for grown-up girls. Her new book Sassy Sorcery – how to become Mistress of your destiny, hits bookstores late 2011.


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