By October 9, 2011 March 28th, 2012 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE

With White Ribbon Month coming up in November it is a good time to reflect and create awareness around the topic of Domestic Violence. If you haven’t experienced being physically abused it can be really hard to understand so it is my mission to try and help you understand domestic violence and why women stay in an abusive relationship and things that you can do to help.






For women who need help there is a great organisation called WIRE that a extremely supportive and ready to help you.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Dorothy says:

    Abuse can be emotional too. Invisible, undetectable, even by the victim, especially by the victim, for years, decades, until they believe they are so worthless they take their own lives. And the perpetrator walks free. There are no charges to be laid against someone who is emotionally manipulating you to feel like you are the most useless, worthless being in the universe.

    • bustingout says:

      Hey Dorothy,

      I totally agree, abuse comes in many shapes and forms. The laws don’t always make sense and there is so grey. it can play games with you and your soul. Stay strong gorgeous girl you are doing so so well. Rx

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