Your past may shape who you are but don’t let it dictate your future.

By October 2, 2011 March 28th, 2012 LIFE

Everyone has a past; a story which we tell to inform others this is why we are who we are. I have just finished attending the National Achievers Congress where I was fortunate enough to see Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump. Let me tell you about Tony Robbins and the messages…


  • See it as it is not worse then it is
  • Then see it better then what it is
  • We are more then any moment we face
  • When fear leaves you life enters you
  • Belief
  • We always search for meaning
  • The only thing keeping me from what I want is the story I keep telling myself.
  • Your story is just a story, create a new one
  • If you continue to tell the story you will stay there
  • Change your story and your state
  • Fulfilment is not what you get it’s who you are
  • Growing and giving is an art
  • Progress = Happiness
  • Whatever you focus on you feel, even if its not true
  • You get what you tolerate
  • The difference in your life is standards
  • Should and must is the difference between where you are now and where you want to go
  • Turn your shoulds into musts

 Tony talks about your state, your story and your strategy. If you get in the right state, create the right story then have a strategy to get you from where you are to where you want to go.

What does that mean for you and I? I can tell you what it means for me.

Rewind 15 years…

My story- I was brought up in a house filled with domestic violence and abuse, before that I craved the attention of my father but I never received it. I fell in love with a man who would continue to beat me until I was too afraid to leave. My belief was that there was no such thing as love and that if I was going to accomplish anything I must do it alone because a man would only control and hurt me.

Rewind 10 years…

I changed my story- Where love was possible, success and happiness is available when you work hard you can get what you want.

Rewind 5 years..

You can create your own destiny, a business that works with my young family, love and lots of it. It’s not about working hard its working smart, my work is not work because I love what I do therefore I am living a life a love.

Rewind 12 months…

Its time to create a new story, somewhere deep within I still had a lack mentality…a scarcity when it come to finances and wealth creation. This had to change and I was open and ready for it to happen. You must take action if you want the life you love. Make it happen, realise where you are and where you want to go then create a map to get you there.


I have made the switch from being “Self Employed” to having a “Company” that helps women and business. To invest and create assets, make my money work for me. There is an abundance available to us right here right now, you just need a map. Think big.

  • I must invest in assets
  • I must make time for myself to meditate and exercise
  • I must stay focused
  • I must earn a great income to contribute and provide for my family
  • I must make time to spend with my partner and keep the love alive
  • I must spend quality time with my children
  • I am filled with love and gratitude for all I have

Yes I am the girl who was being beaten within an inch of my life week in and week out, working three jobs and trying to escape my life. I am proud I went from being in a drug infested, violent relationship working three jobs to having an amazing life that I love. With 4 successful businesses, becoming a Best Selling Author, TV Presenting, a beautiful loving relationship and Mother of two beautiful girls, amazing growth and prosperity. All because I changed my state and created a NEW story and I am creating a strategy.


What story are you telling yourself, do you need to create a new one?


Seeing Tony Robbins should be on everyones to do list!


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Kat Hudson says:

    Renee, I love your posts and your honesty! You’re an inspiring leader and I am so proud to be able to call you my friend (which my be short lived if i don’t finish this darn page!) xx

  • bustingout says:

    LOL Kat you are so funny! Thank you my darling you inspire me as well xxx NOW get back to that page 🙂

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