A pat on the back for the outstanding achievement of letting go!

By December 4, 2012 May 6th, 2016 LIFE

Four years ago I was done, never to speak to him again. There was too much pain, too much disappointment. It served me for time, but I learnt it was a smoke screen and if I really want to live a life of pure authenticity then I need to buck up and listen to the answers that were inside of me.

Everything I need to know is already inside of me; I just need to stop my mind from making so much noise. And so it is.


There are always two sides to every story and everyone does what they think is best, the best that they know how. It is our perception on how we see things and our beliefs which shape how we perceive situations that have unfolded. And so it is.


If a thought doesn’t feel good, then I need to change that thought. And so it is.


If anything I do doesn’t feel good, then it does not belong. And so it is.


My happiness and feeling good is paramount to me, therefore only that of love is welcome.


One day we will catch up and say the things that we need to say. That day hasn’t arrived yet, but we will know when it does because I trust the universe will make it happen and it will happen with ease. And so it is.


But for now I am happy, because for the first time ever there was no pain, no resentment, no nervousness and no ill feelings. Just ease. And so it is.


Apparently we are a lot alike, entrepreneurial minds, spirituality and confidence to combine it all together. I don’t know, for I haven’t really had the opportunity to really know you, discover it and see it for myself. As you may already know or come to learn too. I trust the day will come. And so it is, until next time.



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