Overworked, Overwhelmed & Over it! Then I Found My G Spot.

By October 27, 2011 LIFE

Talk about running your own race! As much as we try to do what is right for us sometimes it’s much easier said then done. Outside influences engulf us every moment of everyday so it becomes really hard to just do what you want to do and when we do us usually feel guilty for it.

Is it a women thing?

As a parent I felt immense pressure to have my girls toilet trained by the time they were 2, no dummies, be strict, don’t be strict, work, don’t work and have the housework done by 9am. What to pack for kinder lunches, do I put my children in day-care? What toys should they have and what toys shouldn’t they have? You don’t want to deprive your children but I really don’t want them to have unnecessary things.

As a woman it was expected, easier and financially the best solution to stay at home with baby but at the same time my life changed that day. At times I really struggled to get through and I felt like it was unfair that I had to give up everything and take care of the girls, the house and the husband. While I admire any woman who enjoys that life it really just isn’t me and I soon realised I was giving my family and myself a huge injustice by trying to be that person when I really didn’t too.

I didn’t realise that as a woman, as a Mother, as a business woman and as a partner I could BE all of those things ALL at once and EXCEL at each area.

I found my G Spot

I stopped trying to please everyone else and gave myself freedom to do what was right for me.

Imagine your life as you STOP striving to please others and instead step into your power and START living the life you’ve always dreamed of. You will create a more peaceful and balanced life and a more fulfilling and successful professional and personal life by being your authentic self and not striving to be a fictional character (a superwoman!).

By stepping up and empowering yourself to be this person (the real you) you really do become a better business woman, a better parent, a better partner and you no longer feel stressed, tired and instead you are living a life you have dreamed of!

It is our time shine! Sophie Trpcevski has just launched The Goal Spot For Women which is empowering women to find success in ALL areas of your life. Check it out her message is awesome!

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