Do You Work From Home?

By August 15, 2010 March 15th, 2011 PARENTHOOD

I may shock you when I say this but I love life…..stating the obvious just a tad? But I just really really do because as I set about my ways to make a difference and love life everyday I learn so many things and I meet so many awesome people.

Sometimes when you work from home it is isolated, demanding and you work odd hours which is different for a lot of people and that makes it hard for people to understand. They see us pick our kids up from school or playing in the park and it’s easy to think that we don’t work but in actual fact we work every minute of every day there is no down time from the minute we get up to often the all nighter we have to pull to meet our deadlines.

What do I love about that?

This week I have been able to work all day everyday…normal hours which is liberating not too mention super proactive. So after 4 years of working from home as much as I love the low overheads it is so nice to remember how the majority of people work and I think I need to do it more often.

Down side or upside depending on our view point you don’t get to spend as much time with your children so you really do realise that the people who work full time at a “location” rarely see their children and as much as I knew that before it has never been the case for me, it has it pro’s and con’s not seeing your kids J

Moving forward here’s what I am going to try and do-

  • Quarterly I will lock in 1 week where I will work normal hours
  • Work less all nighters
  • I always have scheduled work hours they just differ from most people
  • I am going to organise a quarterly gathering with like minded business people to brainstorm and just chat with.

Do you work from home, what are your tips and hints when you work from?

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